Plusle and Minun Quest

Revisão de 15h36min de 13 de janeiro de 2018 por Chazzrey (Discussão | contribs) (Wymagania)

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Zaczynamy w Lilycove.

Thatcher: Hello there! I am very sad... I need help.
Player: help
Thatcher: I was training Plusle and Minun. They became best friends, after a long time they started to share one Pokeball and merged their powers into one.
Thatcher: Few days ago, some strange Meowth that was able to use humans' language, has told them something, that made them hate each other...
Thatcher: I don't want to leave them alone, but I need to contact Zack. Could you go to him and ask for help? He should be in Lilycove's Museum.

Teraz musimy iść do Zack'a, który jest też w Lilycove.
Player: hi
Zack: Hi there! Nice to meet you Player.
Player: mission
Zack: Do you need help?
Player: help
Zack: Oh, I've heard that Tatcher's Plusle and Minun are not best friends anymore, fighting with each other. I don't know how can I help. You should ask Aily for help, she's an expert, got it?
Player: yes
Zack: Good luck.

Musimy udać się do Aily, która jest w statku na prawo od Dewford.
Aily: Hello! My Boat crashed in here! Are you here to rescue me?
Player: mission
Aily: Do you need help?
Player: help
Aily:: I can help you, if you help me to get out of here. I need to build a raft, will you help me?
Player: yes
Aily: Take this axe and chop 30 wood for me, the best wood comes from sycamore.

Dostajemy siekierę i musimy ściąć 30 sycamore i wracamy do Aily.

Aily: Hello! My Boat crashed in here! Are you here to rescue me?
Player: mission
Aily: Have you chopped the wood for me?
Aily: You need 30 Wood (sycamore)s, can you bring it?
Player: yes
Aily: Thank you! I am an expert on electric Pokemon. I heard about the situation with Thatcher's Plusle and Minun, in my opinion there is nothing to do ...
Aily: Just find Meowth and ask him about Plusle and Minun, maybe he will want to make a deal with you.

Teraz musimy odnaleźć Meowth, który jest na wyspie obok Sootopolis.

Meowth: You know, Jessie and James have kicked me from Team Rocket. They said that I am a useless cat, it's really sad...
Meowth: I would love to prove them, that I'm worth way more than they expect, Jassie has told me that I can come back only, if I steal a Pikachu...
Meowth: It's really difficult to me. Well, I made a little plan, firstly knowing that Thatcher and her Plusle and Minun might help to rescue Pikachu from my hands...
Meowth: I made them hate each other. If they aren't doing anything else than fighting between themselves, I'll have a free way to steal a Pikachu.
Meowth: Yummy! Thanks, I was really hungry...
Player: Plusle and Minun
Meowth: Well, well, well... I guess you are another who wants to help Thatcher with her Plusle and Minun, aren't you?
Player: yes
Meowth: There is nothing you can do to help them, don't even try!
Player: help
Meowth: I knew you wouldn't give up! Well, fine maybe we can make a little deal! Are you interested?
Player: yes
Meowth: Ok listen, bring me 10 fried Magikarps because I am still very hungry. Also bring me 30 wool balls, these days are really cold.

Musimy dla Meowth przynieść 10 fried Magikarps i 30 wool balls, a on powie nam co dalej mamy robić.
Fried Magikarp możemy kupić u Toskar The Fisher, który jest w Slateport.

Player: mission
Meowth: Did you bring me the things I asked you?
Meowth: You need 10 fried Magikarps, 30 wool balls, can you bring it?
Player: yes
Meowth: Meow! Thanks for bringing me everything I needed! Well, I can talk with Plusle and Minun, but you need to help me to steal a Pikachu! Talk with Thatcher and ask her, if she accepts the deal.

Teraz musimy udać się do Thatcher u której zaczęliśmy misje.

Player: deal
Thatcher: Oh, I don't really like that deal! That's terrible and unacceptable. But I have an idea... Talk to Dorian, he's at the ground floor. This guy is really good at creating Pokemon toys, they look very real, got it?
Player: yes
Thatcher: Good luck.

Thatcher powiedziała nam żebyśmy poszli do Dorian'a, który jest Lilycove.

Player: mission
Dorian: Thatcher called me and told me whole story. I have to create a Pikachu toy and a cage for it, right?
Player: yes
Dorian: It has to be looking like a real one, I will need some things for it.
Player: things
Dorian: First of all, bring me 50 electric boxes, 30 Pikachu's tails, 5 zap plates, 30 magnets, are you able to do it?

Musimy mu przynieść 50 electric boxes, 30 Pikachu's tails, 5 zap plates i 30 magnets, gdy to już zrobimy dostaniemy od niego kolejne zadanie.

Player: mission
Dorian: I have a list of things I will need to create the toy.
Player: things
Dorian: First of all, bring me 50 electric boxes, 30 Pikachu's tails, 5 zap plates, 30 magnets, are you able to do it?
Player: yes
Dorian: Fine, I also need other materials to make the cage.
Player: cage
Dorian: For the cage I will need 50 steel orbs, 30 power bags, 5 Lairon's skins, 30 steel powders, can you get it?
Player: yes
Dorian: Awesome! Come back to me in 1 hour when the cage will be done.

Tym razem musimy mu przynieść 50 steel orbs, 30 power bags, 5 Lairon's skins, 30 steel powders i po oddaniu itemów wracamy po klatkę za 1h.

Dorian: Hi, I am finally done! Take this and go back to Meowth. IF HE WANTS YOU TO GIVE HIM PIKACHU FIRST, REFUSE! He must agree to do first step.
Dorian: Once he makes Plusle and Minun love each other again, give him the false Pikachu and say the magic keyword surprise

Npc informuje nas żebyśmy nie zgodzili się na propozycje Meowth!
Udajemy się do Meowth, a następnie piszemy tak jak w dialogu niżej.

Meowth: Meooooooow I see you brought the Pikachu...
Player: pikachu
Meowth: Let's make a deal, give me Pikachu and I will talk with Plusle and Minun, ok?
Player: no
Meowth: Why not? You want me to do the first step? Okay, no problem! I just want to come back to Team Rocket...
Meowth: Well, Plusle and Minun love each other again! I am sorry for giving so much trouble I just missed Jessie and James. Can you give me now Pikachu?

(W tym momencie zaczęły mnie bić Bannete, więc uciekłem dosyć daleko od Meowth, że przerwało mi rozmowę xD, a gdy wróciłem później wystarczyło napisać to co jest na dole)

Player: Hi
Player: yes
Player: surprise
Meowth: Seems like Meowth is blasting off again!

Teraz wracamy do Thatcher, która jest w Lilycove.
Player: mission
Thatcher: Did you complete the deal with Meowth?
Player: yes
Thatcher: Thank you so much! I can now merge your Plusle and Minun if you want...
Player: merge
Thatcher: I can merge your Plusle and Minun into 1 Pokeball! I already learnt how...
Thatcher: You need to bring me a ball with Plusle and another with Minun, they both need be inside their balls...
Thatcher: And last thing... They need to be atleast level 70, you want me to merge them for you?

Zostało nam już przynieść tylko Plusle [70] i Minun [70], a następnie NPC połączy je w jednego pokemona.


Possbility of linking Pluse and Minun into one Pokemon