Hoenn Box 3 Quest

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Revisão de 08h30min de 28 de fevereiro de 2016 por Kaktoos (Discussão | contribs)

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Nasza misje zaczynamy w mieście Littleroot. Professor Birch zleca nam kolejna misje, abyśmy odzyskali jajo Groundona i prosi nas, byśmy porozmawiali z NPC w okolicy, czy może coś widzieli.

 Professor Birch: I might use your help to recover Groudon's egg as well. Please talk to me again if you are interested.
Player: mission
Professor Birch: Nice to see you again! I am looking for an experienced trainer who would help me out to find my second stolen egg, the egg of the legendary Groudon, will you help me?
Player: yes
Professor Birch: Finally a brave trainer! I have no idea who would have stolen my egg, I think that local people may know who did it, I advise you to ask them.

W mieście spotykamy Ramon'a, który mówi, że widział jak ktoś ukradł 2 jaja, ale powie nam więcej, jeśli przyniesiemy mu 10 steel powder. Po przyniesieniu mu ich, mówi nam, że plotkara w Rustboro może posiadać więcej informacji w tym temacie

 Ramon: Hello... Strange things happened here recently. I've heard some rumors about it.
Player: rumors
Ramon: Someone broke into Birch's laboratory and stole two eggs of legendary Pokemons. I know someone who could tell you more, are you interested?
Player: yes
Ramon: I can tell you but first I will need a little favor... I need to polish my Aggron, if you bring me 10 steel powders I will let you know who can tell you more about it.
Player: mission
Ramon: Did you bring 10 steel powders for my Aggron?
Player: yes
Ramon: Amazing! There's a well known gossip girl in Rustboro, she could tell you more about it.

Obok Centrum Pokemon znajdziemy Penny, która posiada informacje na temat ukradzionych jaj, ale najpierw prosi nas o przysługę. Mamy uzbierać dla niej 80 Clefairy Plushes. Gdy już jej je przyniesiemy, dowiadujemy się, że jej sąsiad mógł więcej widzieć przez lornetkę i mamy się udać do niego.

 Penny: Hello, did you hear that someone broke into Professor Birch's laboratory? I could tell you more if you are interested...
Player: more
Penny: I see you really want to know, well first you will need to do me a little favor, do you accept?
Player: yes
Penny: I am a teacher in the Pokemon school, we celebrate children's day tomorrow, I'm in need of toys for my kids, bring me 80 Clefairy plushes.

 Player: mission
Penny: Nice to see you again, do you have the plushes I asked?
Player: yes
Penny: Oh! Thank you so much! Listen I am working in Rustboro, but I live in Littleroot town, I don't know too much about the breaking into Birch's laboratory, but my neighbor Axel who is always looking through the window with his binoculars might have seen the whole incident, just ask him for information...


Alex powie nam wszystko, jeśli przyniesiemy mu 20 water orb, 10 big sapphire i 2 iron plate . Gdy już to zrobimy, dowiadujemy się, że Team Aqua się włamał do laboratorium Bircha, ale to Team Magma ukradł nasze jajo.

 Axel: Only the paranoid survive.
Player: information
Axel: Well, well, well. That's right I've seen everything. But my information is not for free, my life is in danger and what is worse I broke my binoculars! I need things to repair them, you help me and I'll help you, deal?
Player: yes
Axel: Great, get 20 water orb, 10 big sapphire and 2 iron plate for me.

 Player: mission
Axel: Did you bring my stuff?
Axel: You need 20 water orbs, 10 big sapphires, 2 iron plates, can you bring it?
Player: yes
Axel: Thank you!!! Now let me tell you what I saw... It was the Team Aqua who broke into Birch's laboratory but Team Magma came right after and stole Groudon's egg, I am sure they know I saw them!! Please be careful they are everywhere.


Gdy już odnajdziemy ich kryjówkę okaże się, że Magma Team Member nie chce nas wpuścić do środka, więc nie pozostaje nam nic innego, jak stać się jednym z nich. Aby do nich dołączyć musimy udowodnić że jesteśmy tego godni. Musimy przynieść mu 100 flame orbs, 25 Numel's balls, 5 flame plates, 20 Torkoal's shells. Gdy to już zrobimy możemy wejść do środka.

 Magma Team Member: Stop! Where are you going? Go away or you will be burnt! Do you want to join us maybe?
Player: join
Magma Team Member: Wait! Prove me that you are worthy! Bring 100 flame orbs, 25 Numel's balls, 5 flame plates, 20 Torkoal's shells, can you do that?

 Magma Team Member: Stop! Where are you going? Go away or you will be burnt! Do you want to join us maybe?
Player: yes
Magma Team Member: Cool, but that's not enough. You need to prove that you are a brave trainer, find Tabitha, Courtney, Hank and our leader Maxie, and beat them in a duel if you want to get our trust!

Teraz musimy stoczyć walki z Team Magma.

Tabitha Magma (Dugtrio 90, Torkoal 100, Claydol 100)
Courtney Magma (Ninetales 100, Flygon 100, Donphan 95)
Hank Magma (Flareon 100, Camerupt 100, Rapidash 90)
Maxie Magma (Sandslash 90, Infernape 100, Blaziken 100)

Gdy pokonamy Maxiego mówi nam, że jest dziś zajęty i to my mamy popilnować jaja.

 Maxie Magma: Very nice! You seem to be a brave and strong trainer. I'm proud that you have joined us. I am going to be busy today, please take care of our precious Groudon egg...

Po tym dostajemy wiadomości od Professora Bircha, że możemy podmienić Charmander Egg, ale najpierw musimy je przemalować u starego przyjaciela Profesora, który jest w Mossdeep.

 Professor Birch: Unbelievable! You got their trust! Since you have access to the egg, it's a good chanche to get it back, I have a plan...
Professor Birch: Chamander's eggs are as warm as Groudon's egg, so get one. But hold on! Those eggs are really different. I think my old friend Smeargle the Painter may paint the Charmander egg as a Groudon egg...
Professor Birch: He is in Mossdeep city, find him and ask him for a favor. Once you get the fake egg ready, try to replace it and run before someone realizes the egg is gone.

W stacji kosmicznej spotykamy starego przyjaciela Professora, który potrzebuje Charmander egg, 5 red apricorns i 10 red powders do przemalowania jajka.

 Smeargle The Painter: Welcome to my artist workshop! Would you like to buy one of my pictures? Or erase an attack from your slots?
Player: favor
Smeargle The Painter: Oh! You must be Professor Birch' friend, do you want to paint your Charmander egg for 5 red apricorns and 10 red powders?
Player: yes
Smeargle The Painter: Here is it, good luck young adventurer!

Gdy już mamy przemalowane jajo wracamy do kryjówki Team Magma i używamy jajka, które tam jest. Gdy to już zrobimy wracamy z prawdziwym jajem do Professora Bircha i mu je oddajemy.

 23:26 You got the egg, take it back to Professor Birch!

 Professor Birch: Hello Player.
Player: mission
Professor Birch: Did you bring the egg?
Player: yes
Professor Birch: Thanks for your help, take this.

You have gained 10000 experience.
Hoenn Box 3
40 hd